Friday, November 27, 2009
My Mask
Thursday, November 5, 2009
There is Hope, there is Life
Yeah, it did happen, something very bad, should I use a better word ? be positive ? very hard to do so, I am not strong at all, I am weak, very weak, I can't handle it by myself, I need God, I need you the Lord, please help me Lord Jesus.
My headache is coming back, I can sense that it is a bit serious then last week. The pain was not constant, I means I don't feel the pain all the time, it came suddenly and I feel pressure on my head and it gone after a while. I feel weak again and after my RT treatment for my left hip on this Wednesday, my mom force me to see doctor, I was thinking to see doctor on coming Monday, I am, yes I am trying to deny all these, I keep telling myself that I just have normal headache and it will gone soon, it will gone in few days. This is not working, NOT working at all. The nurse at Wijaya also noticed that I don't look good so they called the doctor and immediately I went to see him. Again he did the blood count test for me, again I was hoping my hemoglobin was low and not much blood on my silly I am ya. My blood was ok, only my white blood cell low and this actually caused me so weak, so tired. So...I was scheduled to do MRI scan for my brain the next morning. Ya, bad news. I did have a peek on the report when I am holding the scan report and on my way to see my doctor. I really can't understand the report as almost all the words are too technical for me, but I see 1.6cm....surpressing veinxxxxx(I can't even spell)....ya not good ya...I just calm myself and keep praying, keep praying to God, asked God to be with me, grant me strength to face all these.
Doctor told me that it is not so good when I walked into his room. When a doctor tell you not so good actually he means it is quite bad :-). tears running down from my eyes, I was trying very hard to stop them. Ya, my brain got tumors, my lung cancer already metasis to my brain. There is one big size tumor 1.6cm there and this caused my headache. There are another 10 to 15 tiny tumors in my brain too. Yeah I still and really thanks God from the bottom of my heart, this is consider early detection, thanks God for the headache and thanks for the MRI Scan, ya everythings is in God's plan. If I did the CT Scan on brain then will miss all the tiny tumors as too small to be detect by CT Scan, only MRI can catch them. Thanks God.
I told my husband that if one day I just collapsed and only able to lye down on bed, just terminate me....
Well, my feeling is ok when I wrote this post, don't expect it to be great but I am ok. Again I pray to God, I cry and tell God that I need Him, asking mercy from Him, I surrender everything and my life to Him, I am asking God to let me know what can I do to success His'plan, what is His's plan for me. God did send SeokPeng and gave me a book, a book by a cancer survivor - Shery Lim who healed by God. Ya, thanks God for the book, it really increase my faith. Thanks God.
God said when there is hope, there is life.
I promised God that I will read bible everyday, I will memorize His Word. I must do this.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
sleepless night as leg pain...
I guess I should feel happy at this moment....I don't know why, somehow my heart don't feel peaceful, there is something else.....
Saturday, October 24, 2009
I am back...
I feel weak during my medicine week. Weak as it not only for my physical body, it is also weak in my spirit. To continue live is much more harder then to ....hmmm but when I see all the lovely face around me, see those people that love me and I love too, it really encourage me to fight, I keep praying to God that please give me more power to fight, to win all these 'ku nan'. Hope I don't lost all my faith during all the weak time.
I do nothing for the pass week except lying down on sofa, lying down on bed... I can't focus to do anything. I tried to play psp game but my mind seems not there....I tried to sew my undone quilt, my mind also not there, my hands and legs seems not belong to me. Agrrrrr I really don't like this feeling but but but.....I feel blessed as I saw and heard a lot of cancer patients can't do anything at all, can't move, can't talk, only lying down on bed. I should feel happy actually as I still have a normal living. Thank you God.
There is hope...ganbateh....
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Wedding dinner of good old friends
My husband and I attended our friends wedding dinner at Dinner club, Top floor of Amodo building. The place is quite nice, can see all the night light of the building around Bukit Bintang area, the atmospare was great there, the food also quite nice just that everyone seems don't feel full after all the dishes. Both the groom and bride are our old friends, we knew each other since hmmm I think it was about 10 years ago. We were colleague at Astro that time. Think about it, we do have a great time working in Astro ya :-). It was my first job, I think it was the first job of all of us hahhaa. All the newbie join the company and get to know each other, all of us were so playful that time, so young, go for movie, yum cha, clubbing seems our normal activities whenever we want haha, even visited the gay pub :p. I do have a lot of great and sweet memory, also not to forget a lot of love story happened here and there. Hmmm, myself+my husband and the groom and bride, another 3 more couples, yeah, we all from Astro, the gang working at Astro that time and now turned to be husband and wife lo.
I do enjoy the wedding dinner as I get to see so many x-colleagues, some of them really didn't get to met since after we all celebrated our VSS and gone different path in our career life. We all got VSS from the company and we all happy about it, as we do get some $$$ for the VSS. Basically everyone seems remains unchange, still look the same but those girls are prettier for that night. Some of them didn't know that I was sick with cancer and they complained that I am still that thin, yeah I am even thinner compare to 10 years ago when I first graduated from uni. Anyway, some of them like my x-manager said that I look better, even better then 10 years ago. I really look that scary last time ???? haha anyway life is unpredictable, thanks God that I am still here...
It is so good to met you all, dear all friends...
Friday, October 2, 2009
My father got high blood pressure
Saturday, September 26, 2009
about operation...
Ya, with all these hard time and pain time, I experience the company of God, I surrender myself, my life to God and I believe that God knews what is the best for me. There is only one thing I pray to God that I don't want any operation, I am very scare of it, lying down on bed after operation is very very....sigh...I guess people who experience the same only can understand the feeling. My left foot still numb since I wake up from the operation, however I didn't complain or angry, I feel thankful to God that I am still able to walk :-). Dear Father in heaven, please keep me away from any operation, I am really scare of it. Father, i surrender everything and my life to You, please be with me and may Your healing hand upon me. thank you Father. in Jesus name. amen.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
[Psalm 23:4]
Word form God always give me power when I am weak. Thanks God, thanks Lord.
I am so thankful
I just finished my own bei bei :-). I like the bear bear so much so I kept these fabrics for myself. I tried to do it with some new idea, new pattern and it turn out to be quite nice. I like it a lot :-).
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Quilt to be 'gift' out
Internet was Down
My doctor changed me to take oral chemo. For the first few days when I started to take it, I do feel very very uncomfortable and I just lying down on bed for the whole day. Thanks God I am ok now and enjoying my 'rest' day without the medicine for 3 weeks. The next cycle should start next week and doctor will increase the dose. I get to know that my white blood count low again today when did the follow up to see my doctor. Errr again, I got my booster injection and the nutrition adviced me to eat more, ya eat eat eat, I will try and my weight also dropped 300g :p, so I really need to try eat more to maintain both my blood count and weight. Ganbateh to myself and again I surrender all to my Lord Jesus and I don't care about the tumour marker.....Thanks God Father and You are Good all the times :-).
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
weak + weak + weak
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Book Fair
My dear husband bought me a t-shirt, red in color, the word Jesus written on it and behind it written all His other name like "The Truth", "Word of God", "Emmanuel", "King of Kings"..........He also bought me one new bible, this bible is with explanation, easier for me to understand :-). Elsen bought me a wood that for me to hang on my car' rear mirror. I like the design, like a cross with the word Jesus, so beautiful. It was great to see all these things, hehe :-).
My oral medicine
Monday, August 31, 2009
Blood Transfer
1) Blood transfer as my hemoglobin was low, quite low, the reading was 8.8.
2) Booster injection as my white blood cells low, the reading was 2.6, not as low as previously but still low, no wonder I did feel tired.
3) for CT Scan. Doctor required me to do the scan after read my latest tumour marker. Ya, again the CA125 goes up. Don't ask me why as my doctor also can't tell me the reason and I didn't ask him also. I truly understand this, only God knew the answer.
Yeah, I success discharged at 10.15am, a very sunny Friday morning. I feel this is so amazing!!! With my experience, the insurance procedure for discharge normally will took 5 or 6 hours. Usually I get the thing done and only able to leave hospital at 3pm but not this time. That day it only took about 1 hour ++ to get the bill done and I get to informed that I may leave at 10.15am. This is so amazing, God Father is so great, so so great. I did pray to Him for the approval of insurance claim and for faster processing and it did happened. Thank you God Father, You are so great and so good. Praise God and all glory be to You, God Father.
Thanks Lord Jesus.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Fell down at toilat
I fell down at my toilat in the middle of night, last night. I was having diarrhea as the side effect of RT, and was sleeping in the middle of late night, suddenly felt like need to let go at toilat and so I just woke up and walked to the toilat. After opened the door, the moment I stepped into the toilat, whole body just lost control and I fell down as the floor was too slipery. The moment I gained back the control to my hands and legs, I was lying down on the toilat floor!!! I tried to called my husband for help but silence answered me. Lucky I still able to stand up by myself and walked back to my bed and opened the bedroom door to called my husband. My left hand and left leg were in pain at that moment, both of us taught that it must have "black green" color on the next day. We don't have any 'herb oil' at home and hence I just continue my sweet dream without doing anything to my hand and leg. However, my hand and leg were just fine, just a bit black green, a bit pain only, this is so amazing and all glory be to God. Thanks Lord Jesus and praise Him for all these amazing work. Hallelujah. Thanks the Lord for so little pain and no hurt of my fell down. Thank you Lord, You are so good and so great.
Talk about dream, I do have a weird dream last night. My husband did mentioned somewhere in this blog said that he never understand my weird dream, haha, so do I :p.
Back to my dream last night, I only remember the part that my husband and me were driving in a car on a highway, running fast. In front of us, was another sport car and its driver who is a guy, running fast too. And the funny part is there was always some nice sport biker over take us and the sport car, so both the nice bike and sport car were in front of us and we saw something even more funny, where both the biker and driver fly high in the sky and they swap their vehicles. This means that the biker jumped to the sport car, and the sport car driver jumped to the bike. After a while, they do that again and swap back to their own vehicles. Then the biker accelarate and lost in sight. Come another nice biker and things repeated. The only different is those bike were different in shape and color, I got to said they all nice and expensive bike. My husband must be able to name those bike if this dream belongs to him. haha.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
My Quilt Project
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
An Update...
I will keep praying and I do believe that Lord Jesus is healing me.
He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by His wounds you have been healed.
[1 Peter 2:24]
Saturday, July 18, 2009
2D1N @ Cameron Highlands
Friday, July 10, 2009
All from my best friends
The above 2 photos are taken by SeokPeng with her power camera, so nice!!!
This one is with my camera :p
Lavender body lotion, nice smell :-)
Golden kiwi, sweet sweet.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
2009 Birthday
I received a lot of birthday gifts. My niece made me a nice and beautiful pink flower grown, my aunt gave me a box of pakistan mango, I am waiting for them to be ready to eat, yum yum :-D, my mom and my elder sister bought me a cuppocino cake, my sister gave hundred dollars voucher, and my husband bought me a nice fossil belt, my pants really need belt haha :p. He also bought me another miew miew bag, blue in color, I will carry that bag with my note for bible study class. Also thanks my brother in law who draw me a cute cat :-).
Thank Lord Jesus for all these, I really appreciate the time that I could share with my family. I know my family members love to give me presents to make me happy, thanks you all and may God bless you all.
Cute Meng Sen, my newphew.
All the little monsters are so happy as get to sing "Happy birthday to you..."
Simple and nice belt.
See the 2 little monsters are fighting for the ball and while we are taking photo. haha they are so cute.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
My Baptism Day
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Meet my old friends
Thursday, June 18, 2009
My Testimony
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Amazing things happened!
Today, two amazing things happened on me and thanks God for all these.
This morning I was driving to Old Klang Road to attend the Elpizo Cancer Support Group at Logof Church, I only knew the way to Old Klang Road from my x-office which is the turning out from Sungai Besi highway at Desa Water Park. I am thinking to get there by the same way as I was a bit late and hoping that I can get there without any delay. Too bad that I miss the Desa Water Park turning and I turned on the next exit which is to Jalan Kuchai Lama, I am thinking to find a U turn, but somehow I end up at NPE and I reached a toll, I was lost and I don't know where am I. Hence, I pray to God, asking God to lead me to Old Klang Road. Not long after the pray, I saw a sign board beside the road sound Old Klang Road!!! Thanks God and I just followed those sign board and finally I found Logof Church!! This is so amazing, the glory belong to God, praise God!! I have a great experience at Logof Church, the stories of Dr Andy Lim is so amazing, he is healed by Lord Jesus from Nose cancer 25 years ago. Thanks Dorothy for invited me there.
Secondly, again I would like to thanks God and praise God for this wonderful things that happened, I received the cheque from my insurance company as my claim for the female disease is approved. At first, the doctor told me that I might not be able to get this claim although my ovary was removed but it is not ovary cancer as the cancer cells are from my lung, anyway I just give it a try and thanks Lord Jesus that finally I got the money, it does really help me to settle my chemo bills as I can't use my medical card at Wijaya Medical Center, it is still not yet with hospital status, not yet be the panel hospital of AIA. Thank you Lord Jesus.
Monday, June 8, 2009
BaBa Boo
Saturday, June 6, 2009
My best friends
Monday, June 1, 2009
Tired ......
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Super Watch
Little present from God
Monday, May 18, 2009
Very Confusing
Today the leader nurse at Wijaya saw my wound and keep complaining that I shouldn't do the dressing everyday!!! She said patient should NOT do the dressing for these kind of wound. It has to be done by them - expert. She said they have another patient also carrying this kind of tiub and she did the dressing for her once a week, cover with water proof bendage. Thanks God. I do really feel better if she can do the dressing for me and save me from doing it kelam-kabut-ly every day. haha. Too bad I bought quite a lot dressing set, anyway I just bring it to hospital to use lo since already purchased.
About my blood test, not good, the tumour marker go up doubled the figure before operation. Oh no, I really have no idea what wrong but then I just hand all these to God, only He knows how to heal me, He is my healer. Doctor said he is 'pening kepala' today as one of the chemo drag he choosed for me but can't use as I remind him that I alergy with it last time, grrrrr. I surrender everythings to God.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
To My In-Law Family
I feel very sorry to you both. I only able to be your health daugther-in-law for one month only. I am not able to take care you both but instead I need ah Ma to come KL to take care me after the operation. Thank you so much for helping me, cooking health dish for me, handing me a cup of milk or water while I am hardly walk after the operation. I really appreciate it. May God bless you both and always be with you both.
To El Von
To El Sen
I love you all. Thanks for letting me have a good husband :-).
Saturday, May 16, 2009
My Brother
My Younger Sister
妹妹与我是年龄比较接近,所以我们比较谈的来。我看到他结婚已后有很大的变化。回想起来以前和他同房时,我真的拿他没有办法,总是把房间弄得乱乱的,我是投降了,自己搬到storeroom去睡。现在的他是2个小瓜的妈妈了。他家里都是清清洁洁的,煮饭菜还有一手呢。我很开心看到这一切。我相信有儿有女是一个人的福气,并不是每个人都能拥有的,得看啊上帝给不给这福份了。要好好珍惜,对一些人来说这幅份却是多么遥不可及! 谢谢你送我手链, 那重重的magic牌, peptomen, organic食物,还有很多很多……愿上帝赐福于你和你的家人,一家人都建建康康,永远辛福.
My Elder Sister
姐姐长得像爸爸,黑黑的,但并不会不好看。可是近这十年来,姐姐用的美白产品很有效,他一点也不黑了。姐姐比我矮,有一次与姐姐和同事一同去Pulau Perhentian,大家都说他像我妹妹多一点,我听了只可以把嘴巴"DO"一下,必竟这是事实。我这个姐姐真的是天下第一大好人,每次要他帮忙时,他总是没有让人失望。人也没有半点脾气,总是站在别人的立场来分析事情。感谢上帝赐姐姐一个可爱的女儿。谢谢姐姐一直都帮我,谢谢你每次都原谅我的过错。祈求上帝与姐姐同在,赐福于他,保佑他不遭苦难。
My Mother
My Father