Sunday, April 27, 2008

A date that I will never forget

It was sunny Sunday. Honey and I already planned to bring my in-law family to eat Bak-Kut-The at Kepong. Yes, it was planned but not actually happen! I woke up early in the morning and saw a different me in my bathroom's mirror. My face, neck and both my arms were 'big'. They were swollen! Oh No, I quickly run to my honey who was still sleeping …

I am sick.
I was admitted to Sunway Medical Center that day, done x-ray and CT Scan there. There is a tumor in my right chest, sandwich in between lungs and heart. Its size was 6*5*5 cm, wow that really big isn't it? The tumor was suppressing one of my veins and it blocked the blood from topper part of my body from flowing back into heart. This was the reason I became puffy.

Doctor told me that the next step is to get some cells from the tumor for lab test to find out if they are malignant. If the result is positive then it is cancer. I knew this is very serious and my life may count in months? Or days??? Isn't it in a movie, very soon the person who gets cancer will die?

I have done a procedure called broncoscopy. "Something" has been poked into my sore throat and it went into my lungs. The tumor was seen outside of lungs and doctor tried to get some cells. However the result was negative.

After that, doctor suggested to do an operation where a cut is required in order to retrieve the tumor's cell. I need to spend a night at ICU after the operation. I was quite blur that moment and I just signed the document given to me by doctor. Lucky my honey came and disagreed with that operation. There was another option I do have. A needle is to poke at my right chest and let it pass thru lungs to reach the tumor. This procedure is called needle biospy. "A needle is better then a knife", said my husband's friend who is a doctor. Thanks to KW.